fx rebates - about us - forex

About us


We offer a person-to-person relationship.
The client deals with the same personal assistant,
whether a relationship manager or a partner,
wherever they may be. 

Independent. Global. Secure.
fxrebates.de was established in Hamburg, Germany, by professionals from the Forex banking side as well as the Forex traders side. fxrebates.de was a direct response to the emerging new needs of today's Forex Trading. Complexity instead of transparency is controlling the unregulated Forex Market. Under these conditions it's difficult to develop trust and to find the right answers. 

A simple business model
Our goal is to afford traders both Forex beginners as well as professionals and companies with a trading environment, which will optimize their performance. We assist you with finding the right Forex broker, with finding the best matching Managed Forex Account, and with reducing your spreads by paying cash rebates to you - Every month. 

fxrebates - about us - forex rebates


International: Clients in over 80 countries worldwide.
Independent: We are Europe's leading independent Forex Cashback provider
Secure: As a German company we are bound to highest safety and reliability
Experienced: Our team is professionally working in Forex business since Years
Customer service: Email, LiveChat, Skype, Phone. We are knows for our outstanding customer service.

fx rebates - reduce your spreads - forex

Alstertower Umriss

© 2011 fxrebates.de I FX Rebates Germany


An unhandled error of type 'SqlException' occured:
Query failed


/mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/database/MySqlQuery.php (line 28)

Stack Trace

#0 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/database/MySqlDatabase.php(74): Query->__construct('INSERT INTO `jo...', Resource id #22)
#1 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/database/MySqlDatabase.php(506): Database->query('INSERT INTO `jo...')
#2 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/misc/DBLoggingProvider.php(18): Database->insert('sys_log', Array)
#3 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/misc/Logger.php(45): DBLoggingProvider->WriteLog('sys', 'MySqlDatabase.p...', 'error', 'SqlException: Q...', '

Location #4 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/misc/Logger.php(14): Logger::Log('sys', 'MySqlDatabase.p...', 'SqlException: Q...', '

Location #5 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/exceptions/BasicException.php(129): Logger::Error('sys', 'MySqlDatabase.p...', 'SqlException: Q...', '

Location #6 /mnt/web419/b0/75/52540275/htdocs/lib/Core.php(394): BasicException->writeLog()
#7 [internal function]: Core::handleException(Object(SqlException))
#8 {main}

Warning: Log-Error occured


An unhandled error of type 'SqlException' occured:
Query failed




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